Refund Policy

1. Eligibility for Refunds

  1. Damaged or Defective Products:

    • If you receive a damaged or defective product, you are eligible for a full refund or replacement. Please contact our customer support team within 7 days of receiving the product.
  2. Incorrect Orders:

    • If you receive a product that is different from what you ordered, you can request a refund or replacement. Contact our customer support team within 7 days of receiving the product.
  3. Expired Products:

    • If you receive a product that is past its expiration date, you are eligible for a full refund or replacement. Please notify us within 7 days of receiving the product.

2. Conditions for Refunds

  1. Original Condition:

    • The product must be in its original packaging and condition, unused and unaltered.
  2. Proof of Purchase:

    • You must provide a receipt or proof of purchase to be eligible for a refund.
  3. Return Authorization:

    • You must obtain a return authorization from our customer support team before returning any products.

3. Non-Refundable Items

  1. Personal Care Items:

    • Items such as personal care products, hygiene products, and certain healthcare products are non-refundable due to health and safety reasons.
  2. Opened or Used Products:

    • Products that have been opened or used are not eligible for a refund unless they are defective or damaged.

4. Refund Process

  1. Contact Customer Support:

    • Initiate the refund process by contacting our customer support team via email or phone. Provide your order details, reason for the refund request, and any supporting evidence (e.g., photos of damaged items).
  2. Return Authorization:

    • Once your request is approved, you will receive a return authorization and instructions on how to return the product.
  3. Return the Product:

    • Ship the product back to us following the provided instructions. Ensure the product is securely packaged to prevent further damage.
  4. Refund Issuance:

    • Once we receive and inspect the returned product, we will process your refund. The refund will be issued to your original payment method within 7-10 business days.

5. Shipping Costs

  1. Return Shipping:
    • The cost of return shipping will be covered by MXMeds if the product is defective, damaged, or incorrect. For all other returns, the customer is responsible for the return shipping costs.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding our refund policy, please contact our customer support team:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +919903909333
  • Address: Global

7. Policy Updates

MXMeds reserves the right to update or modify this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Please review this policy periodically for any changes. Your continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of any modifications to this policy.

Thank you for choosing MXMeds. Your satisfaction is our priority!